everything you need To paint your cabinets LIKE A PRO...  

...No more confusion in the

paint department!

Grab your FREE  

Ultimate Cabinet Painting Supply List so you'll know all the right things you need to achieve professional-quality results!

Grab my Free Title of Product that can 

help you do the thing you really want!

Download your FREE copy of the

Ultimate Cabinet Painting Supply List

so you'll know all the right things you need to achieve professional-quality results!

Answer This...

How many times have you been ready to take on a DIY paint project, but when it came down to buying the paint and materials you got STUCK, CONFUSED or FRUSTRATED because there are so many stinking options?!

There's loads of info out there on Pinterest and such, but the more research you do, the more conflicting opinions you run into, right? 

>> Now, imagine how easy your life would be if a professional cabinet painter would just show you exactly what supplies you need to get so you can get your project DONE (and done well!)

Well, imagine NO MORE!

I've compiled the Ultimate Cabinet Painting Supply List filled with my favorite tools, primers & paints, and I'll send it straight to your inbox for FREE! 

What's Included:
  • TOOLS: My favorite paint sprayers, brushes, sanders, sandpapers etc
  • PRIMERS: All the best options for priming wood surfaces of cabinets. 
  • PAINTS: The best and most durable paints I use daily in my cabinet painting business every day.
  • And More! You don't want to pass up this incredible, free resource!

So quit wasting your time Googling and scrolling Pinterest endlessly searching for the right products to use, grab this list and get to painting!!

Hello! Kayla Payne Here 👋🏼
After professionally painting cabinets for the past 7 years, you can be sure I've made almost all the mistakes possible! But I've also learned a ton of valuable info along the way!  A few years ago, I decided to bring my painting expertise online in efforts to more easily answer the dozens and dozens of questions I'd receive from homeowners who follow my social media accounts and my blog. I was receiving so many questions pertaining to cabinet painting supplies, paints, primers, process and everything in between that I couldn't keep track anymore!   That's why I've put together this free resource to help answer some of those most frequently asked questions! My hope is that this cabinet paint supply list will help you cut through the noise when it comes to choosing the RIGHT materials for your DIY job!  You don't have to spend years searching for the answers and learning from mishaps...I've already done that leg work for you:) Your biggest supporter, Kayla 😘
Hello! Kayla Payne Here 👋🏼
After professionally painting cabinets for the past 7 years, you can be sure I've made almost all the mistakes possible! But I've also learned a ton of valuable info along the way! 

A few years ago, I decided to bring my painting expertise online in efforts to more easily answer the dozens and dozens of questions I'd receive from homeowners who follow my social media accounts and my blog.

I was receiving so many questions pertaining to cabinet painting supplies, paints, primers, process and everything in between that I couldn't keep track anymore!  

That's why I've put together this free resource to help answer some of those most frequently asked questions!

My hope is that this cabinet paint supply list will help you cut through the noise when it comes to choosing the RIGHT materials for your DIY job! 

You don't have to spend years searching for the answers and learning from mishaps...I've already done that leg work for you:)

Your biggest supporter,
